✧・✧・゚:* welcome 2 my website :) ✧・゚・゚:*

what up, my name's zap, im a stupid catboy with a simple zest for life (=`ω´=) i draw a lot of cats facing left

click the about link for more, and "find me on the web" for links to my socials and stuff!

street walkin' cheetah with a capital Z

just a 23 year old artist from pennsylvania with too much caffeine and not nearly enough sleep (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
I have a B.A. in Theatre and a B.S. in Communications Media Production! I specifically have as trong focus in lighting although I'm well versed in most aspects of technical theatre.
most of my interests are furry things, like warrior cats, animal crossing, etc. i am such a sucker, all you need to tell me to get me to watch/play/read something is "hey it has furries in it" and i will be on that shit instantly. a blessing and a curse. I also have an unhealthy obsession with pokemon!! it's my favorite thing!!
if you can't tell by this site, i also love bright colors, sparkly things, kandi, stuffed animals, and anything cute!!
i draw with an ipad in procreate, but if you see something and think "wow that looks like it was drawn in mspaint" it probably was. i love to make art and share art and do art trades <3

"Thank you, for being good at games" -Cody Rumbaugh
"yiff? is that what it's called?" -brr
catboy propaganda

some links!
feel free to message me on discord, @zapxys

before you follow

please do not follow/interact if you:
are homophobic/transphobic/anti-lgbt+ in any way.
support racist agendas, creators, politicians
believe in cringe culture
i'm sure theres more i'm forgetting but just don't be an asshole and we'll probably get along just fine. it feels stupid to even need to point these out but there's a lot of freaks on the internet so like. if u are just leave me alone haha.
fursona, who the hell am i?
just a funky little guy! he is a magical devil cat who loves to cause mischief. his design is very flexible in terms of his body type and size, so i draw him lots of different ways! he will bully you but in that sibling way where if anyone else is mean to you he'll beat the shit out of them. very friend shaped.
he's a winged lucky cat! he has 3 different color palettes, but this bright palette is the one i use most! he is a hopeless romantic with an extremely overwhelming desire to live life deliciously.
my oldest fursona! apocalypse is a big friendly monster cat! he has been around since i was in 2nd or 3rd grade as an imaginary friend and subject of many childhood doodles. his design is quite flexible, and has both detailed and simple versions! just a huge friendly doofus that likes to read and fall in love and give amazing hugs. off the shits but like, in a WHolesome way.